SSNIT projects Gh¢4.3 billion for pensions; pensioners will enjoy 25% increment

By | January 15, 2023
SSNIT sign post/board

The Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) has officially announced a 25% increment in monthly pension payments.

Dr. John Ofori-Tenkorang, Director-General of SSNIT at a press conference held in Accra on 13th January 2023 disclosed that a projected expenditure on pensions for 2023 amounting to GH¢4.3 billion has been agreed on hence, the need to increase pensions by 25%.

He promised that the Trust will remain committed to paying the announced increased percentage (25%) paying respect to time and the distribution of accurate benefits.

According to the Trust, the new increment will pay the minimum pension pay receiver GH¢430.58. For the highest-paid pensioner, they will receive GH¢169,725.89.

Further, it has been stated that this new development will pay a total of 234,000 legitimate pensioners who are on the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) pension payroll as of December (ending) 2022.

Also, the above number of pensioners will enjoy a fixed rate of 19% in addition to a redistributed flat amount of GH¢73.58 on a monthly basis in this year, 2023.

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