Teaching beyond the classroom: Navigating 30 years of growth

By | September 25, 2024

Author: Blowgrade.com

The mind-triggering plan for the future …Teaching beyond the classroom: Navigating 30 years of growth

Assume you’re thirty (30) years old now & you’re about to start your teaching career or/ you just started your teaching career it simply means you have thirty (30) more years to go on retirement (60 years). You can opt for voluntary retirement but what will hold you/keep you going if you make that decision?

What can you do in the said remaining 30 years (if all things being equal not excluding health issues)?

Thirty (30) sounds like 500 years of colonization (very long), but taking a critical look at it, it’s not. It looks like a “short performance”.

In the next 30 years, you will upgrade yourself for certificates (Masters and PhD. Make not one or two) since you are a Degree holder, which many will do. Some will study other courses that can take them out of the classroom forever.

Other young teachers will venture into agriculture and the digital space, taking Teacher Kwadwo and Ben South (a nurse) as a case study. Some will discover their new heartbeat (other talents and fields they haven’t thought of so far) along the line.

This period of satisfying your wants can take five (5) to ten (10) years to get a solid stand (take note of individual differences) or even more.

To this, you have twenty (20) years more. In this part of the world, we place a high value on marriage and childbearing or/ family or, better put, procreation; hence, you will put plans together for it (some people may not).

Marriage comes with preparation. Family making is demanding. Taking care of your nuclear family needs a comprehensive plan.

In all, a good and supportive partner (both male and female) can help plan and birth a beautiful future. Also, being content with what one has is a big push.

To swim in the 30-year journey successfully:

  • cut your clothes according to your size (budget and relationship-wise)
  • think/consider a side business that can stand for long (agriculture is cash if done well)
  • go investment not saving because investment doubles/triples but savings don’t
  • digital space should be considered. The world is evolving. Do not be limited to the classroom. College (NB: University is not excluded) taught you a lot; therefore, this is the time to put them together for your personal gains. “Teachers are content creators.” Reason it.

The classroom is demanding and time-consuming but you have to develop and upgrade yourself alongside.

Sometimes, you will like to nurture your learners “properly” because you didn’t get that special treatment while growing up just like them but keep it in mind that if you always give out the last thing you have because people beg you for it you will become the same beggar to beg others.

If anything happens to you today the world will move on. Self-care is vital. Make time to manage work and your personal development intertwined because all are equally important.

Kindly share your views or add more in the comment section.

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Author/written by Blowgrade.com

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