READ ON: Assessment FORM B for Teaching Practice Assessment; Needed Items on the Assessment Form here
The additional items on the Assessment FORM B commences from item 7.
Additional items on the Assessment FORM B commence from item 7 in this article.
Item 7: Presentation (teaching and learning activities)
5=Very Good
Teacher organises teaching and learning activities sequentially/logically, uses varied pedagogical skills, maintain balance between Teacher and student activities.
Teacher organises teaching and learning activities sequentially/logically, uses varied pedagogical skills but does not maintain balance between Teacher and student activities.
Teaching and learning activities are organised sequential/logical, but does not use varied pedagogical skills.
Teaching and learning activities are organised sequential/logical, but does not use varied pedagogical skills and does not maintain a balance between Teacher and student activities.
Teaching and learning activities are not well organised.
Item 8: Pace of lesson and audibility of voice
5=Very Good
Pace is appropriate for the entire lesson and all students can hear the Teacher clearly. Teacher does not shout.
Pace is appropriate most of the time and voice is audible from the back of the class. Teacher does not shout.
Pace is appropriate some of the time and voice is audible from the back of the class throughout the lesson.
Pace is appropriate some of the time but voice is not audible from the back of the class throughout the lesson.
Pace of the lesson is not appropriate. Teacher speaks too fast/too slow/too loud/too low.
Item 9: Questioning and feedback
5=Very Good
Teacher asks well-balanced mixture of factual, probing, high order and divergent questions fairly, always encourages students’ questions and answers.
Teacher asks a mixture of factual, probing, high order and divergent questions distributes question fairly, and sometimes encourages student’s questions and answers.
Teacher asks a mixture of factual, probing, high order and divergent questions distributes question fairly, but does not encourages students’ question and answers.
Teacher asks mostly factual questions; he/she is receptive to students’ questions and answers and acknowledges students’ answers.
Teacher asks only factual questions; he/she is not receptive to student questions and answers.
Additional items on Assessment FORM A for Trainees? You can get it here
READ ON: Assessment FORM B for Teaching Practice Assessment; Needed Items on the Assessment Form here
Continuation of Assessment items
Item 10: Use of white board/chalkboard
5=Very Good
Teacher manages board effectively; date, subject and topic are written on the board; all core points are systematically written on the board; writing is legible; gives students time to write down to core points into their books; cleans board at the end of lesson.
Teacher manages board effectively; date, subject and topic are written on the board; all core points are systematically written on the board; writing is legible; but does not give students time to write down to core points into their books.
Teacher manages board effectively; date, subject and topic are written on the board; core points are systematically written on the board; but writing is not legible.
Teacher manages board effectively; date, subject and topic are written on the board; core points are systematically written on the board; writing is not legible.
Teacher writes haphazardly on the board or hardly writes anything on the board.
Item 11: Use of teaching/learning resources (TLRs)
5=Very Good
Teacher uses appropriate TLRs, links them to students’ previous knowledge and lesson objective(s) at key stage(s) of the lesson.
Teacher uses appropriate TLRs, links them to students’ previous knowledge and lesson objective(s) but not at key stage(s) of the lesson.
Teacher uses appropriate TLRs, links them to students’ previous knowledge only.
Teacher uses appropriate TLRs but does not links them to students’ previous knowledge.
Teacher does not have TLRs or does not use TLRs brought to the class.
Item 12: Communication/Use of language
5=Very Good
Teacher uses correct grammatical expressions; correct students’ language errors; uses effective verbal and non-verbal communication, avoids language mannerism.
Teacher uses correct grammatical expressions; correct students’ language errors; uses effective verbal and non-verbal communication, but occasionally exhibits language mannerism.
Teacher uses correct grammatical expressions; correct students’ language errors; uses effective verbal and non-verbal communication, but exhibits language mannerism.
Teacher uses correct grammatical expressions but does not correct students’ grammatically incorrect expressions; exhibits some language mannerism.
Teacher uses incorrect grammatical expressions and often exhibits language mannerism.
In conclusion, the continuation of assessment items have been discussed comprehensively in this article. For a successful sailing through in your Teaching Practice, we encourage you to read this article step by step.