NASPA clarifies annual evaluation forms concern on dashboard

By | November 3, 2023

The National Service Personnel Association (NASPA) -Nsawam Adoagyire Municipal (NAMA) has issued a notice to address the annual evaluation form available on the dashboard of the 2022/2023 NSPs.

The issued notice was signed by Asamoah Joycelyn (GEN. SECRETARY) and Okoampah John (NAMA-NASPA, PRESIDENT) dated today, 16th October 2023.

On the dashboard of the NSPs, the Scheme has made the NSS Graduate Support Survey available for personnel to provide feedback on and proceed to download the annual evaluation form, fill itl, and submit it as of this month, October.

The issued notice from NAMA-NASPA reads:


We wish to bring to your attention that the annual evaluation forms for teacher trainee’s who started their service from 1st January, 2023 and will be ending their service on 31st December, 2023, is readily available on your national service dashboard.

One will be required to answer a few survey questions, after that, two options will pop up, one for change of details of personnel if there was any error with your information.

The second option indicates your are certain of all your details and so NSS can proceed with the processing of your certificate.

Kindly go and print it, you are not to sign any part, proceed to your supervisor for endorsement.

You are required to submit the filled form to the district national service office for processing of your certificate.

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2 thoughts on “NASPA clarifies annual evaluation forms concern on dashboard


    Please about the annual evaluation form we the trainees did not start on January but rather February 2023

    1. Blowgrade Post author

      Alright. The service is supposed to commence in January 2023 however, due to some reasons, it was delayed hence pushing it to February.

      Do not panic. On the issued appointment letters to CoE NSPs, the stated commencement date was January too. It is a system challenge on that side so do not panic👏🏿


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