The 2023 GTLE 3 has two categories of candidates. These are fresh and re-sit candidates.
The statistics indicated that 4,724 fresh prospective teachers sat for the GTLE 3 (Traditional subjects) but only 45% of them recorded pass and 54% recorded fail.
For the resitters, only 3,081 passed representing 45.6%.
The 2023 GTLE 3 has two categories of candidates. These are fresh and re-sit candidates.
Number of Fresh Candidates: 4724
Total Pass: 2130 (45.1%)
Total Fail: 2594 (54.9%)
Pass None 690 (14.6%)
Pass 1: 831 (17.6%)
Pass 2: 1073 (22.7%)
Number of Re-sit Candidates: 6756
Resat 1: 4128 (61.1%)
Pass None: 2537 (37.6%)
Resat 2: 1764 (26.1%)
Resat 3: 864 (12.1%)
Below is the number of candidates who passed in terms of the 3 subjects they sat for. Some passed only 1 paper out of the 3 they sat for.
Some also passed 2 out of the 3 papers and some also passed all the 3 papers.
Check the statistics below
Pass 1: 3272 (48.4%)
Pass 2: 817 (12.1%)
Pass 3: 130 (1.9%)
In all, 3,081 prospective teachers (resitters) passed representing 45.6%.
Overall Pass: 3081 (45. 6%)