According to the information disclosed at the Induction training, the Council said all Newly Qualified Teachers (NQT) are to focus on learning more about the National Teaching Council (NTC) also for the licensure exams.
Kindly log in to official website here and read extensively about the Council.
All about NTC has been covered in this file -Download
Earlier, we published NTC updates on 2023 Licensure exams: Registration & Exams paper
Few things about the Council (NTC)
National Teaching Council (NTC) was formed in 2008 under Act 778.
The Council is made up of three (3) organizations namely; NTC, NCAA, and NSIA.
According to NTC, they have some laid-down sixteen (16) functions that will help them to achieve their objective.
The Council shall:
(1) Advise the Minister:
i. on matters relating to the professional standing and status of teachers; and
ii. on the education, development and employment of teachers;
(2) conduct examination for the licensing of persons who successfully complete teacher education programmes;
(3) issue license to persons who pass the examination conducted by the Council in accordance with paragraph (b);
(4) register teachers who satisfy the conditions for the issue of the appropriate license;
(5) keep and maintain a register of duly qualified teachers;
(6) develop code of ethics and professional practice for the teaching profession;
(7) accredit, in collaboration with relevant agencies, institutions offering teacher education and development programmes;
(8) subject to the approval by the Board, issue temporary certification to persons who without the requisite teacher education, desire to teach;
(9) revoke the license of or suspend a teacher after a case of professional misconduct is established and disciplinary procedures concluded;
(10) restore the license of a suspended teacher who has served the suspension and has been recommended for reinstatement;
(11) develop and promote continuing professional education in the teaching profession;
(12) establish standards for teacher education;
(13) exercise disciplinary powers over teachers
(14) suspend the license of a teacher undergoing disciplinary proceedings;
(15) provide a framework for the development of teacher education curriculum; and
(16) perform any other function incidental to the object of the Council.
What Services does NTC offer?
The Services offered by NTC are as follows:
- Licensing and registering Teachers.
- Regulating the teaching profession in Ghana.
- Conducting of Licensure Examination.
- Promoting Continuos Professional Development (CPD) of Teachers.
- Accreditation of Teacher education institutions and programmes.
- Organizing Ghana Teacher Prize (GTP).
For any clarifications do not hesitate to reach NTC on the following call numbers:
(+233) 030 298 6318
(+233) 055 551 5135
Source: Blowgrade.com