The Scheme is working to pay off all arrears owed every 2023 NSP -NSS

By | April 10, 2024

Gifty Oware-Aboagye, the Deputy Executive Director, NSS has assured that the payment of 2023 NSP arrears and transportation Allowance will be done in no time.

In a public response dated April 4, 2024, the Deputy Executive Director of NSS make it clear that the Scheme will pay all 2923 NSPs arrears including. She also clarified the payment of the transportation allowances for 2023 National Service Personnel (NSPs).

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Deputy Executive Director of the National Service Scheme (NSS), Gifty Oware-Mensah, stated, “The Scheme is working to pay off all arrears owed every NSP,” emphasizing the commitment to settling outstanding payments.

“The Scheme is working to pay off all arrears owed every NSP that submitted his or her monthly evaluation form before completing the service. It is unfortunate it has delayed, however that doesn’t mean it will be denied. It is frustrating but the ED and Management are relentlessly working to ensure that, every NSP is paid their due.

“I am confident that, every NSP will be paid their due, that is those who have had their monthly evaluation forms submitted accordingly, and have no issue displayed on their respective dashboards.”

Additionally, she clarified the transportation allowances topic. “On the issue of Transport…not every NSP should expect that money,” indicating the selective nature of the allowance distribution.

Explaining the principle behind the transportation allowance, she said boldly that “It was first instituted to cushion those who left home to far away places to serve the country. The Scheme decided it will cushion them to come back after service. In that respect, not every NSP should expect that money. I am hopeful that, the Scheme will do as it has always done to support.”

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