Teaching methodology and delivery of a lesson is one of the greatest aspect of teaching that every Teacher Trainee should focus on.
In the delivery of lesson, there are key items which would be checked by your supervisor. Not only for marks but, to guide the success in the teaching profession you have chosen.
Below is the items and their respective scores in the order of proficiency (highest to the lowest).
Students participation is one of the key items.
To get 5 marks (Very Good) in your Teaching Practice Assessment which would be supervised, you have to fulfill the following:
Teacher engages all learners in the lesson; facilitates problem-solving among students; encourages co-operative peer-tutoring; monitors progress and provides feedback.
4 marks, Good
Teacher engages all learners in the lesson; facilitates problem-solving among students; encourages co-operative learning but occasionally monitors progress and provides feedback.
3 marks, Satisfactory
Teacher engages all learners in the lesson; facilitates problem-solving among students; but does not effectively monitor progress and provides feedback.
2 marks, Unsatisfactory
Teacher engages some learners in the lesson; does not monitor progress and feedback to students is very minimal.
0/1 mark, Poor
Students’ participation in the lesson is low; there is virtually no monitoring and feedback.
5 marks,Very Good
Teacher has command of subject matter; gives precise information; exudes confidence; cites lot of examples; relates content to students’ experience; encourages critical thinking.
4 marks, Good
Teacher has command of subject matter; gives precise information; exudes confidence; cites lot of examples; relates content to students’ experience but does not encourages critical thinking.
3 marks, Satisfactory
Teacher has command of subject matter; gives precise information; exudes confidence; cites lot of examples.
2 marks, Unsatisfactory
Teacher has some command of subject matter; give relevant information; cites some examples.
0/1 mark, Poor
Teacher exhibits inaccurate subject matter knowledge and low level of confidence.
5 marks, Very Good
Teacher uses a variety of teaching techniques to check students’ understanding; assessments are linked to objectives/indicator; encourages students’ self-assessment and application of knowledge.
4 marks, Good
Teacher uses a variety of teaching techniques to check students’ understanding; assessments are linked to objectives/indicator; but does not encourage students’ application of knowledge.
3 marks, Satisfactory
Teacher uses a variety of teaching techniques to check students’ understanding; encourages students’ self-assessment of understanding; assessments are linked to objectives/indicators; does not encourage students’ self-assessment.
2 marks, Unsatisfactory
Teacher uses a variety of teaching techniques to check understanding; to check learners’ understanding; but assessments are not linked to objectives / indicators.
0/1 mark, Poor
Teacher uses only one assessment method or tool ( example oral questioning, written exercise, one-minute test etc.) to check understanding. Assessment is not linked to objective(s).
5 marks, Very Good
Teacher draws attention to the end of the lesson; uses question and answer technique for summary, clarifies main points along lesson objectives; assigns activities for next lesson.
4 marks, Good
Teacher draws attention to the end of the lesson; uses question and answer technique for summary, clarifies main points along lesson objectives; but does not assign activity for next lesson.
3 marks, Satisfactory
Teacher uses question and answer technique for summary; clarifies main points along lesson objectives.
2 marks, Unsatisfactory
Teacher uses question and answer technique only for summary.
0/1 mark, Poor
Teacher finishes lesson abruptly at the sound of the bell or finishes lesson well ahead of time.
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