Everyone deserves praise for their work. Based on that, there is a need to appreciate the efforts of a scholarship scheme that assisted you.
Scholarship subscribers are liberal and warm-hearted people who cheerfully accord to support the educational set out of students like you. They naturally demand nothing in return, but receiving a well-written thank you letter from a student is always distinct and lets the subscriber know that his or her scholarship was incredibly valued.
Your letter cautions them why they gave in the principal place and often help procure continuing freebies for ensuring students.
What are the guidelines for writing a thank you letter?
The guidelines are as follows:
i. Address the subscriber
Write to the subscriber /or the institution, not the alternative panel. The subscriber’s name should be recorded in your prize notification.
ii. Express your gratefulness
iii. Show the impact
- Write genuinely with an active voice.
- Try and include a reference of the scholarship. Use their name in the reference.
- Do not rightly mention cash or request further economic support.
Say, “Thank you so much for your liberality.”
Split how being a scholar is influencing your life and what you love most.
For instance: Why you opted for the institution, honours, and your course of study.
iv. Look forward
Share your plans for the coming times: activities, graduation, or prospective job. Let them know how this scholarship has impacted you to further your education.
Sample: “Thanks again for the award.”
vi. Signing off
Sample: “Sincerely,” “Warm Regards,” etc. Also, make sure your sign-offs are:
- Be explicit and concise. A page is enough.
- Communicate your intelligence with correct grammar and spelling.
- A letter with mistakes /or little appreciation will be returned for redrafts.
(Submission date)
(Subscriber’s address)
Jackson Adelaide
HEAL Scholarship
-Postal address-
(Addressing the subscriber)
Dear Miss/Mister,
(Expressing your gratitude)
My elation increased when I was chosen for the HEAL Scholarship at -add the town’s name- for 2022.
(Show the impact)
I am currently a level 100 student, majoring in Natural Resource Management. I am enjoying my studies, especially my wood science courses. I am partaking in many student clubs including student government and the Wood Science Club. I work part-time at BNF Nursery.
I like working with basic school pupils and teaching them about science.
(Look forward )
After graduation, I plan to enter the accreditation programme and in due course become a Basic School Science teacher.
I am truly honoured for the scholarship support. This scholarship will help me to pay my tuitions, purchase course materials and pay fees. Because of this scholarship, my parents have been greatly affected in the sense that some weight has been taken off their shoulders.
(Express gratitude again)
Unremittingly, I am very grateful for all the members who made this scholarship programme a remarkable opportunity for my parents and I.
I assure you that I will work hard in my education and future endeavours.
I am looking forward to staying in touch and giving you updates on my professional journey.
(Signing off)
-Your name-
-Name of your institution/school-
Class of 2000
C/O Craven Hatches
-Postal address-
-the location-
-your contact-