How can I check my BECE 2022 result online?
To check your 2022 BECE result online, you must key in your Index Number.
After typing your index number, select the Type of Examination. Since you are searching for BECE results, select the option (BECE School).
The next action is to enter your exact Date of Birth (DOB) used in registration at school. Inaccurate DOB will not be accepted by the system.
What short code is used to check BECE result on phone?
The shortcode to check BECE result on phone is *944#. Kindly dial it on your smart device and follow the instructions carefully.
Here, you will be required to input/enter your result checker’s Serial Number and the 12-digit long PIN before you can check your BECE results. All the requested details are on the Scratch card you bought to check the result.
Where can I check my BECE results?
Do you want to check results?
Check your results using the link below
- BECE (both School and Private
Log in via eresults.waecgh.org
- For WASSCE results, follow the link below
WASSCE (School & Private)
- For ABCE / GBCE results, check via ghana.waecdirect.org
How do I check my SHS results on my phone?
Kindly login to the official site of WAEC at https://ghana.waecdirect.org/
Secondly, you have to enter your index number in the provided column before you proceed to the next step.
The third step is to select your exam type. In this case, you have to select WASSCE there.
There is another option that will request for the year you want to check. The year will be 2022 because you wrote the WASSCE in 2022.
Enter your Serial Number just like how it appeared on the Voucher.
The 12-digit PIN will also be entered. Make sure you enter the 12-digit PIN as required.
You are almost through the process therefore, kindly check well to confirm the details you entered before submission.
Lastly, submit all the details by clicking on the submission button and wait for the result to display.
Be informed that the result will take a while to display since it is all about the system process so kindly wait till it displays.