Knowing more about your profession is one of the key elements employees should dedicate their time to.
Here is an article on Ghana Education Service (GES) entering into service, probation, confirmations, promotion, postings and transfers.
Certainly, here are the separated words for the provided text:
- Management shall endeavor at all times to ensure that all persons appointed to any teaching positions in the Ghana Education Service have the relevant qualifications and experience.
- Direct entry appointment shall normally be made to the grade of Superintendent II, Superintendent I, Senior Superintendent I, Senior Superintendent II, and Principal Superintendent as appropriate. But subject to qualifications, relevant teaching or industrial experience elsewhere, and passing an interview where necessary, an applicant may be appointed to the other grades.
- Every teacher on first appointment to the Ghana Education Service shall receive a letter of appointment, which in conjunction with this collective agreement and administrative instructions shall constitute an agreement between the appointing authority and the teacher.
READ THIS ALSO: Confirm Your Details Sent to GES for Recruitment -Confirm here
The appointment letter should indicate the following:
A. Job title
B. Salary starting point and other benefits
C. Effective dates/starting date
D. Probation period
E. Job description
F. Employment status
- In the case of teachers’ appointments for a new school term other than temporary appointments, shall be made effective from the first day of the month in which the school term begins. An employee shall receive full pay for the month provided that he reports for duty on the day on which he has been instructed to do so.
If he is absent without reasonable cause on the day on which he has been instructed to report, he shall be paid as from the date he assumed duty.
- In the case of other appointments, including those of teachers made during the course of the term and temporary appointments, the effective date shall be the date of assumption of duty.
- No person who has been convicted of a criminal offence shall be engaged in the service.
- All teaching employees of the service shall serve a probationary period of one year on first appointment, commencing on the date of such appointment.
- All probations shall be given every possible assistance by their immediate heads to enable them to establish themselves in the service.
- Recommendations for confirmation of appointment or otherwise shall be submitted by reporting officers to the confirming authority as appropriate (at most three months) after the end of the probationary period.
- Employees who have not been recommended for confirmations shall be informed in writing immediately after the end of the probationary period of the reasons why he has not been recommended and be called upon to submit his representations on the matter. If the representation is considered satisfactory, he shall be confirmed.
- Employees not confirmed at the end of the probationary period, shall be reported on at the end of every term until each time as
they are confirmed. - No employee shall be confirmed in his appointment while he is on leave without pay except on an approved course.
5.0 Heads of educational establishments shall submit an annual confidential report on all employees, and confirming authorities shall submit an annual report on the confirmation exercise to headquarters through the appropriate channels by September 30th of each year.
5.1 After successful completion of the probationary period, the officer shall be written to, confirming his/her appointment in the service. If the employee is himself/herself a confirmed employee, the confirming authority shall take immediate steps to confirm and inform the officer in writing whenever such a letter is received.
- An employee who has not been confirmed shall not receive his/her increment or be eligible for promotion.
- Promotion shall be made according to merit and in accordance with the scheme.
- In determining an individual’s claim for promotion, account shall be taken of qualification, experience, efficiency, seniority, sense of responsibility, initiative, general behavior, and where relevant powers of leadership and expression and requisite attendance of in-service training courses.
- Relevant teaching experience and periods of further approved training shall count for the purpose of promotion provided there is documentary evidence to prove so.
- Promotion out of turn for exemplary conduct/excellent performance shall, upon recommendation by the Director-General, go to the council.
- As much as practicable, vacancies at the management level shall be filled by promotion from within the service. Such vacancies shall be advertised internally and opened to all employees who have the requisite qualification and experience as may be laid down from time to time.
- Teachers in areas designated as under-served shall be eligible for promotion after two (2) years of continuous service on their current grades. Such teachers shall be appraised by their heads of department/institution/unit, and recommendations submitted through the District/Regional Director to the Director-General for the promotions to be effected.
- Employees may be assigned duties anywhere in Ghana as the exigencies of the service may demand.
- Employees seeking transfer from one institution to another in the same district involving teachers are to be cleared by the Regional Director. Where the officer is seeking transfer from one region to another, this shall be cleared by the GES Headquarters
Re-instatement/Vacation of post
- Without the authority of the Director-General, no employee who vacates his post shall be re-instated /or re-engaged.
- An application for authority to re-instate/re-engage any person shall be accompanied by a copy of the letter accepting the resignation and the appropriate form giving the personal
particulars of the person.
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Source: Blowgrade.com