The National Teaching Council (NTC) of Ghana, in collaboration with a number of stakeholders and education partners, has taken an important step forward in the professionalisation of teachers by introducing a new licensure examination system. This system awards license to qualified individuals who meet the NTC’s criteria for a “qualified teacher”.
The examination covers all content areas and related teaching strategies as well as using International standard of accreditation. The reformed system will act as a merit measure that encourages adherence to international standards and quality assurance mechanisms while furthering access to teacher training opportunities in Ghana.
When is NTC Licensure Exams going to start?
Although this is only one component of the wider reforms sought by the NTC, it is expected that these measures will provide quality assurance and create a stronger higher education environment within the country, Ghana.
CHECK 👉🏿September 2023 NTC Licensure exam centres
The date communicated by the authorities for the commencement of the National Teachers Council, the NTC GTLE New Reforms is March 2023. This means that from March 2023, all qualified candidates writing the NTC examinations will write three (3) papers per the reform.
When the time is due for registration, the NTC confirmation portal for the exams will be available for candidates to confirm their status.
What are the subjects to be written under the new NTC Licensure Exams reforms?
Subjects written under the new National Teachers Council provide teachers with a comprehensive understanding of curriculum requirements and best practices for educational instruction. The constituents and focus area for the three (3) papers are discussed extensively below.
The National Teachers Council offers posters, videos, courses, and other professional development materials that help teachers develop modern teaching practices, incorporate technology into instruction, explain complex topics in accessible language to various age groups, engage students in meaningful learning activities, access resources, and research data to improve student outcomes.
Furthermore, these subjects are designed to help meet state and national standards and also ensure that all students have access to high-quality education led by informed educators.
When will the NTC Licensure exams be implemented?
The NTC said the new subject reform has it that starting from 2023, the NTC Licensure exams will be conducted in three (3) papers.
Below are the new papers. General Paper has 3 subs. The other 2 papers are standing alone.
- General Paper which includes;
• Literacy
• Numeracy
• Essential Skills
- Pedagogy Paper.
- Area of expertise/ specialization/Teaching Related Subject Paper.
Literacy constitutes more about the English Language. Learners ought to learn, relearn, and unlearn for the best in the field of the English Language.
As a Teacher, you must pass your General Paper. It will a mix of all listed under the “General Paper”. Passing your General Paper is an indication that you have the needed requisite skills to handle a class in totality.
Below are the focus areas for the paper. Take note: Not only for exams sake but also to equip yourself with more knowledge of learning the best which can help you shape the literacy aspect of learners holistically.
The components of Literacy under General Paper are as follows:
- Arrangement of modifiers/Adjective order.
- Passive and Active Voice.
- Subject-Verb agreement.
- Prepositions.
- Relative pronouns.
- Question Tags.
- Reported speech.
- Idiomatic expression.
- Synonyms and antonyms.
- Identifying errors in passages.
- Use of fixed expressions.
- Conditional sentences.
Numeracy is Mathematics. Every aspect of Mathematics will be touched on in the component. Mathematics is learned every day, it is a daily routine, Teachers must help in shaping the minds of learners using the lens of Numeracy/Mathematics from the onset of their educational life.
There are strands and sub-strands in Numeracy that learners can relate to in real-life hence using them to solve a problem.
With careful real-life consideration in “Numbers” lesson, learners can learn “Currency”. Some learners can count money but they can not count (1,2,3,4,5,6, etc) and vice versa.
As a Teacher, the above challenge, where to help, and how to strategise your methods in order to change the narrative is your ultimate goal in the field of chalk and talk fraternity.
Below are the focus areas under Numeracy for your NTC exams also (not only exams but your whole lifetime).
- Numbers.
- Simplification and Evaluation of Algebraic expressions.
- Measurements.
- Data Collection and Representation.
- Probability of events.
The next paper is Pedagogy
Arts, Science, career path, professional teaching, or/ teacher are the components of the NTC Licensure Pedagogy paper.
Simply put, pedagogy is about methods or techniques employed in the teaching and learning process for the best and ultimate output.
The Pedagogy Paper will focus on employing a medium to teach learners. Where should /can I assess learners? how will you handle different types of learners? Is blending techniques the best way to achieve the ultimate goal of teaching and learning?, how, when, and why for feedback, conducting assessments (formative and summative), etc?
These and other questions entail what pedagogy is all about. As a Teacher, you must PASS your NTC Licensure exams in order to be awarded the world-recognised teaching certificate by the National Teaching Council (NTC).
The 3rd paper
The Teaching Subject Based paper is made up of questions that will try out Teacher proficiency in the areas they chose to specialise in during their four (4) years of study in the College system. This paper will be used to ascertain the requisite knowledge new Teachers have acquired from the subject-related area they opted for. Based on the outcome of the result, the newly trained teachers will be trusted on exhibiting confidence and control over the subject area when absorbed fully by the government starting in 2024.
What is the pass mark for NTC exams?
According to the sensitization exercise organised by the NTC, candidates for the NTC Licensure exams MUST pass with a 100% score. On the other edge, the council said half score is accepted. It means scoring 50% is a PASS mark which will warrant you a Teaching license.
Scoring 49% is not a PASS mark. 51% is a PASS mark. If candidate A scores 50% and candidate B also scores 100%, it simply means both candidates have a PASS hence, they will be awarded the License.
NTC Exams Registration Fess And Payment Procedures
Fresh candidates paid GH¢220.00 for registration (the exams). For re-sitters, they paid an amount of money worth GH¢100.00 for a re-sit paper (1 paper ).
For candidates who will re-sit for two (2) papers, they paid GHȻ200.
NB: The above prices were applicable in 2022 also. With the reform, an official notice will be communicated soon for the price but the above prices are to guide you on adequate preparations.

Can I become a teacher if I don’t have a degree?
A teacher according to government and educational policy organisation in the new school of thought deems Degree as the least qualification. The teacher should be a holder of a Degree from an Accredited institution. Earlier, the government of Ghana announced the scrapping of the Diploma in Basic Education (DBE) as a qualification to teach in Basic Schools in the country.
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